1. Operating Environment
- The Web Archiving Project (WARP) interface is compliant with the following browsers (as of January 2017), provided that JavaScript has been enabled.
- Internet Explorer 11、Firefox 48、Google Chrome 52
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2. Search
2-1. Keyword Search
Input a keyword and press the Search button.
2-2. Collection Search
(1) National Institutions
- Perform keyword search of the archived websites of national institutions.
- Browse archived organization charts.
(2) Local Governments
- Perform keyword search of the archived websites of prefectures, designated cities, municipalities, and special local public entities.
- Browse by selecting a region and prefecture from the map. A list of the prefectures, designated cities, municipalities, municipal mergers, and other special local public entities associated with regions and prefectures is displayed.
- Browse by selecting a region and prefecture from the list. A list of prefectures, designated cities, municipalities, municipal mergers, and other special local public entities associated with regions and prefectures is displayed.
(3) Corporations
Search corporations.
(4) Universities / Colleges
Search universities and colleges.
(5) Political Parties
- Perform keyword search of political parties.
- Browse by political party.
(6) Events
- Perform keyword search of events.
- Browse by type of event.
(7) Online Periodicals
- Perform keyword search of online periodicals.
- Browse online periodicals by category per the Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) 9th edition - 3rd Categories (description of classes). Expand each category by clicking the + button and click on the expanded category to browse the available online periodicals.
(8) Other
Search other categories not included in (1)?(7) above.
2-3. Advanced Search
(1) Full Text
- Perform keyword searches of the text of archived websites.
Search Item |
Search |
Full Text |
Text and page titles of archived websites |
URLs to individual files from archived websites |
Content type |
Content type by extension |
- When searching for multiple keywords, specify either AND or OR in the pull-down menu to the right of the text box.
(2) Metadata
- Perform keyword searches of metadata created by the National Diet Library (NDL) for archived websites.
Search Item |
Search Metadata Item |
Title |
Title, Parallel Title, Relation, Is Version Of, Has Version, Is Replaced By, Replaces, Is Required By, Requires, Is Part Of, Has Part, Is Referenced By, References, Is Format Of, Has Format, Reference Information |
Creator |
Creator, Contributor |
Publisher |
Publisher |
Seed URL |
URL from which the website was collected |
ISSN, ISSNL, ISBN, other media ISSN |
Target ID |
Target ID |
- When searching for multiple keywords, specify either AND or OR in the pull-down menu to the right of the text box.
- When searching across multiple items, specify either AND or OR in the pull-down menu to the right of the text box.
(3) Range
Search Item |
Search |
Crawl Date |
Search for websites by the date the website was crawled |
Collection |
Search by collection |
* Search items
- (i) Input a keyword in the Full Text search box to perform a keyword search of archived websites.
- (ii) Input a keyword in a field in the Metadata search box to perform a metadata search of archived websites.
- (iii) If you input keywords in both the Full Text and the Metadata search boxes, the system will only search the text of archived websites that also match the metadata search.
- (iv) Input in the Range search box provides additional filters for the search results of items (i) to (iii).
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3. Search Results
Text search results and Metadata search results are displayed in separate tabs. Matching keywords are highlighted in yellow in the search results.
3-1. Metadata
- Sort Search Results
Use the pull-down menus to specify whether to sort the results by title, creator, or publisher, whether to display in ascending or descending order, and how many results to display per page.
- Format of Metadata Search Results in List
Title / Creator / Publisher
Seed URL [Crawled Date: yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy/mm/dd]
3-2. Main Text
Up to 1,000 results can be displayed at one time. If your search finds more that 1,000 results, refine your search by adding a keyword and search again.
- Sort Search Results
Use the pull-down menu to specify whether to sort the results by relevance, title, or crawl date, whether to display in ascending or descending order, and how many results to display per page.
- Format of Text Search Results in List
Page title [Content type]
URL [Date Saved: yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy/mm/dd]
Excerpt of Text
Title of Associated Metadata
* WARP regularly archives websites, which means that the same version of a file might be saved on multiple dates. Unless the file has been completely updated, the full text search results will display only one item and a range of archived dates.
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4. Details
Click the title of any search result in the Metadata tab for a detailed view of the metadata.
- Detailed metadata is displayed.
- A list of archived websites is displayed.
- (i) Crawl Date (persistent identifier)
Click the crawl date to view the archived website. Persistent identifiers (PID) are assigned to archived material.
- (ii) Full Text Search
Archived materials with searchable text are identified using an icon (
). Click the icon to display a Full Text search box for searching this archived website only. Refer to section 2-3. Advanced Search.
- (iii) Available Only at the NDL
Archived materials that may only be viewed on the premises at the NDL are identified with an icon (
). This happens when the copyright holder has not granted the NDL permission to make the material available to the general public via the Internet as well as for other reasons. To view this material, please visit the Tokyo Main Library, the Kansai-kan of the NDL, or the International Library of Children's Literature.
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5. Viewing Archived Websites
The NDL uses an automated process to archive websites. Although most archived websites can be viewed without problem, there are some archived materials that might not display properly due to corrupted formatting.
(1) URLs for Archived Websites
WARP assigns URLs to the websites it archives in the following format.
- WARP Prefix: This prefix indicates that the website has been archived by WARP.
- Persistent identifier: PIDs are assigned to archived material.
- Original URL: Indicates the original website.
(2) WARP Banners
A blue, WARP banner is displayed at the top of the webpage to make it clear that the content the user is viewing has been archived and is not a part of a live website.
* WARP banners do not always display properly for some archived materials such as images or PDF files. Also, WARP banners are not displayed unless JavaScript has been enabled in your web browser.
- Crawl Date
Some materials have been archived on more than one date, in which case, you will see a pull-down menu in the WARP banner with a list of crawl dates from which you can choose.
- Available only at the NDL icon

Archived materials that may only be viewed on the premises at the NDL are identified with an icon (
). This happens when the copyright holder has not granted the NDL permission to make the material available to the general public via the Internet as well as for other reasons. To view this material, please visit the Tokyo Main Library, the Kansai-kan of the NDL, or the International Library of Children's Literature.
- You can collapse the WARP banner by clicking on the white arrowhead at the bottom right of the banner. Click the arrowhead another time to expand the banner.
- The original URL shown in the WARP banner is clickable. Please note that the original site might no longer be available or the contents might have changed since the page was archived. Please use caution when following these links, since they access websites outside the NDL.
(3) This file has not been archived.
WARP archives materials separately by date. The following page is displayed when a user clicks a link in an archived webpage to a destination file that has not been archived by WARP either as part of the website or on the same date.
The file might have been archived as part of a different website or with a different crawl date. You can search WARP for an archived version of this file by clicking the search button.
You can visit the original URL by clicking here. Please note that the original site might no longer be available or the contents might have changed since the page was archived. Please use caution when following these links, since they access websites outside the NDL.
The copyright to archived websites is retained by the original copyright owner. Care is needed when using archived materials to respect the copyright and limit your reuse of such material to the extent permitted by copyright law. You are responsible for obtaining permission from the original copyright holder when you intend to reprint any images, documents, articles, data, or other content from archived websites.
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